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oooo oooo oooo koi din gar zindagani aur hai koi din gar zindagani aur hai apne jee mein humne thani aur hai koi din gar zindagani aur hai baarha dekhi hain unki ranjishen baarha dekhi hain unki ranjishen par kuchh abke sargirani aur hai koi din gar zindagani aur hai deke khat munh dekhta hai naamabar deke khat munh dekhta hai naamabar kuchh to paigame jubani aur hai koi din gar zindagani aur hai ho chuki ghalib balaye sab tamam ho chuki ghalib balaye sab tamam ek marge nagahani aur hai koi din gar zindagani aur hai apne jee mein humne thani aur hai koi din gar zindagani aur hai koi din gar zindagani aur hai oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo
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Koi Din Gar Zindagani Vinod Sehgal 03:20 37307
Poster of Vinod Sehgal
Hindi Film
Music Director- 
Jagjit Singh
Vinod Sehgal
Duration : 03:20   Song Number : 37307