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hridoyo bosonto bone je maadhuri bikaashilo hridoyo bosonto bone je maadhuri bikaashilo sei premo eai malikai rupnilo rupnilo ruuuuuup nilo ooo hridoyo bosonto bone je maadhuri bikaashilo eai phulo haare preyosi tomaare borono kori eai phulo haare preyosi tomaare borono kori okkhoiyo mudhuro sudha moyo hooo milono bibha bori preyosi tomai prano bedikai premoro pujai borono koriii hridoyo bosonto bone je maadhuri bikaashilo hridoyo bosonto bone je maadhuri bikaashilo sei premo eai malikai rupnilo rupnilo ruuuuuup nilo ooo hridoyo bosonto bone je maadhuri bikaashilo click here
shunilo shagore shyamolo kinare eeee dekhechi pothe jete tulo na hina reeee tulo na hina ree ekotha tobu aar parina bujhite aache se nikhiler madhuri ruchite ekotha sikhano jeee aamaro bina reee jaanete china lem se chiro chinare dekhechi pothe jete tulo na hina reeee tulo na hina ree se kotha sure sure chodabo pichone sopono fosolerrr bichone bichone modhupo kunje seee lohori tulibe kusumo kunje see pobone dulibee jhoribe srabonerrr badolo srichone sorode kheen meghe bhasibe aakashe sorono bedonai borone aakashe jhokite khone khone paboje tahare kimono ke darai he hage baharee dekhechi pothe jete tulo na hina reeee tulo na hina ree shunilo shagore shyamolo kinare eeee dekhechi pothe jete tulo na hina reeee tulo na hina ree click here
tumi ki keboli chhobiii sudhu pothe likha oi je sudhur niharika jara kore aache bheed aakashero need oi jara din ratriir aalo hathe joliye aache aandharer jatrir groho tara robir tumi ki tader moto sotto nou hoi chobi tumi sudhu chobi tumi ki keboli chobii noyono somukhe tumi naai noyoner oo majh khane nicho je thani aaji taai shyamole shymol tumi nili mai nil aamaro nikhil tomake peyecho tai ontorero mil nahi jaani keho naahi jaane tobu sur baaje mor gaane kobir ontore tumi kobi nouchobi nouchobi nou sudhu chobi tumi ki keboli chobi click here
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Hriday Basanto Bone diptendu basu 02:46 40545
Poster of Diptendu Basu
Music Director- 
Rabindranath Tagore
Diptendu Basu
Duration : 02:46   Song Number : 40545   

Shunilo Shagore Shyamolo diptendu basu 03:47 40543
Poster of Diptendu Basu
Music Director- 
Rabindranath Tagore
Diptendu Basu
Duration : 03:47   Song Number : 40543   

Tumi Ki Keboli Chhobi diptendu basu 03:29 40544
Poster of Diptendu Basu
Music Director- 
Rabindranath Tagore
Diptendu Basu
Duration : 03:29   Song Number : 40544