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bombaim voson yetam gho lila chodd temp bomboim anv rauchonam utrar mojea add euchonam na na na naaa vochonk dinvchimnam vochonk dinvchimnam bomboi cheddvam tuka soddchimnam login zalea xivai dhaddchim nant na na na hem kednanch goddchemnam kednanch ghoddchemnam eka utracho munis anv lila sangchi goroz nam sotra fotoushi bapa mhunntolo gomti dorun moji katra gomti katrunk diumcho na lila muine rau focot ikra sangatan korchi re zila sirganvchi zatra zila sirganvchi zatra sangatan korchi re zila lila sirganvchi zatra sirganvchi zatra kitlem lila tum visvaxi utram tujim chodd moipaxi poi poi poi poi maka fottouxi maka fottouxi devla poupachi chodd koxi sanklechem poun za dadoxi teabhai sirvodde borea devlla modkhoim mardoll mangeshi mardoll mangeshi mhapxea bhottkisvarache zatrek jerul dogaini voichem yetana banastarim ami sunkrarak kitem gheuchem bannastarim rath zait zalear marselan vochon ravchem zambaulechea xigmeakui voson atak dorun bonvchem re zila atak dorun click here
Mhoje Maim click here
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Lila Ani Zila konkani 04:45 37531
Poster of Konkani
M Boyer
Music Director- 
Chris Perry
M Boyer, Sophia
Duration : 04:45   Song Number : 37531   

Mhoje Maim konkani 03:10 37430
Poster of Konkani
Duration : 03:10   Song Number : 37430