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amare kantho bhore baje go je sur bahaar sabi je tomari gaan jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar nijeke lukiye rekhe nayoner arale theke nijeke lukiye rekhe nayoner arale theke tumi je mouno mone ene dao khane khane tumi je mouno mone ene dao khane khane bhasha aar sureri joar jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar thako na jatoi sudure rekhechhi moner gobhire thako na jatoi sudure rekhechhi moner gobhire tumi je alor chhoyay bhenge dao amar hiyay tumi je alor chhoyay bhenge dao amar hiyay adharer bandho duar jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar amare kantho bhore baje go je sur bahaar sabi je tomari gaan jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar

amare kantho bhore baje go je sur bahaar sabi je tomari gaan jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar nijeke lukiye rekhe nayoner arale theke nijeke lukiye rekhe nayoner arale theke tumi je mouno mone ene dao khane khane tumi je mouno mone ene dao khane khane bhasha aar sureri joar jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar thako na jatoi sudure rekhechhi moner gobhire thako na jatoi sudure rekhechhi moner gobhire tumi je alor chhoyay bhenge dao amar hiyay tumi je alor chhoyay bhenge dao amar hiyay adharer bandho duar jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar amare kantho bhore baje go je sur bahaar sabi je tomari gaan jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar

Poster of Kishore+Kumar+-+(Bengali+Modern+Songs)

Amar E Kantha Bhare

Kishore Kumar

amare kantho bhore baje go je sur bahaar sabi je tomari gaan jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar nijeke lukiye rekhe nayoner arale theke nijeke lukiye rekhe nayoner arale theke tumi je mouno mone ene dao khane khane tumi je mouno mone ene dao khane khane bhasha aar sureri joar jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar thako na jatoi sudure rekhechhi moner gobhire thako na jatoi sudure rekhechhi moner gobhire tumi je alor chhoyay bhenge dao amar hiyay tumi je alor chhoyay bhenge dao amar hiyay adharer bandho duar jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar amare kantho bhore baje go je sur bahaar sabi je tomari gaan jato sur sabi tomar jato gaan sabi tomar

Kishore Kumar

Song Title : Amar E Kantha Bhare
Album/Film : Kishore Kumar
Singer : Kishore Kumar

FAQs for Amar E Kantha Bhare

Q. In which year the Album/Film Kishore Kumar released? >

A. Kishore Kumar was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Kishore Kumar ? >

A. was the Production of Kishore Kumar .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Kishore Kumar ? >

A. was the Producer of in Kishore Kumar .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Kishore Kumar ? >

A. was the Director of Kishore Kumar .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Kishore Kumar ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Kishore Kumar .

Q. Who wrote the song Amar E Kantha Bhare ? >

A. Pulak Bandopadhyay wrote the song Amar E Kantha Bhare

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Amar E Kantha Bhare ? >

A. Pulak Bandopadhyay was the lyricsts of song Amar E Kantha Bhare .

Q. Who is Singer of song Amar E Kantha Bhare ? >

A. Kishore Kumar was the Singer's of song Amar E Kantha Bhare .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Amar E Kantha Bhare ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Amar E Kantha Bhare .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Amar E Kantha Bhare ? >

A. was the Music Director of song Amar E Kantha Bhare .

Q. In which raag Amar E Kantha Bhare song was sung? >

A. Amar E Kantha Bhare song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Amar E Kantha Bhare song was sung? >

A. Amar E Kantha Bhare song was sung in taal .