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aiz tujea kazaracho dis bhair sorlaim zoddumcheak sangat dev zanna kiteak mhunn aiz dhuve bessaum diunk uklona ath xekin tho lagim paulo dis soddumcheak maim paicho tum sath uzvadd hea gharacho aiz unno zalo tumch asli mogachi vatt phatt amkam korun maim paichem ghor soddun dilelea gharan rav doth denim diunk na pun gheun vetai boro ghunn respet tuzo sambau porsantlem amchea ful bosunk diunk na dull hem ful tum sodanch mau bhangar diunk na khorem pun xinkoilem borem vaitt boro kaddunk thau gharan zomo sezareancho bessaum diunk aileat bhoini bhau maim paichem ghor tuka aiz porkem zalem dilelea gharan sukhan rau ghovachem ghor ghunnanim bhor familik tache sodanch pau xegunnachi khalti tum sun zaun amkaim tum add borem naum ghovagher tum okol chol man ghalun sokol ghorchea kaman ath ghal potichi gharan main tika dukh dinaka kaim tichem zaunk dinakai vall borem sodanch sons thond korchi kaiem ghons vo ragan tambde ghal amche mogall dhuve bai tujem naka amkam kaim amcho

aiz tujea kazaracho dis bhair sorlaim zoddumcheak sangat dev zanna kiteak mhunn aiz dhuve bessaum diunk uklona ath xekin tho lagim paulo dis soddumcheak maim paicho tum sath uzvadd hea gharacho aiz unno zalo tumch asli mogachi vatt phatt amkam korun maim paichem ghor soddun dilelea gharan rav doth denim diunk na pun gheun vetai boro ghunn respet tuzo sambau porsantlem amchea ful bosunk diunk na dull hem ful tum sodanch mau bhangar diunk na khorem pun xinkoilem borem vaitt boro kaddunk thau gharan zomo sezareancho bessaum diunk aileat bhoini bhau maim paichem ghor tuka aiz porkem zalem dilelea gharan sukhan rau ghovachem ghor ghunnanim bhor familik tache sodanch pau xegunnachi khalti tum sun zaun amkaim tum add borem naum ghovagher tum okol chol man ghalun sokol ghorchea kaman ath ghal potichi gharan main tika dukh dinaka kaim tichem zaunk dinakai vall borem sodanch sons thond korchi kaiem ghons vo ragan tambde ghal amche mogall dhuve bai tujem naka amkam kaim amcho

Poster of Alfred+Rose+-+(Konkani)

Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride)

Alfred Rose

aiz tujea kazaracho dis bhair sorlaim zoddumcheak sangat dev zanna kiteak mhunn aiz dhuve bessaum diunk uklona ath xekin tho lagim paulo dis soddumcheak maim paicho tum sath uzvadd hea gharacho aiz unno zalo tumch asli mogachi vatt phatt amkam korun maim paichem ghor soddun dilelea gharan rav doth denim diunk na pun gheun vetai boro ghunn respet tuzo sambau porsantlem amchea ful bosunk diunk na dull hem ful tum sodanch mau bhangar diunk na khorem pun xinkoilem borem vaitt boro kaddunk thau gharan zomo sezareancho bessaum diunk aileat bhoini bhau maim paichem ghor tuka aiz porkem zalem dilelea gharan sukhan rau ghovachem ghor ghunnanim bhor familik tache sodanch pau xegunnachi khalti tum sun zaun amkaim tum add borem naum ghovagher tum okol chol man ghalun sokol ghorchea kaman ath ghal potichi gharan main tika dukh dinaka kaim tichem zaunk dinakai vall borem sodanch sons thond korchi kaiem ghons vo ragan tambde ghal amche mogall dhuve bai tujem naka amkam kaim amcho

Song Title : Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride)
Album/Film : Alfred Rose
Singer :

FAQs for Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride)

Q. In which year the Album/Film Alfred Rose released? >

A. Alfred Rose was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Alfred Rose ? >

A. was the Production of Alfred Rose .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Alfred Rose ? >

A. was the Producer of in Alfred Rose .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Alfred Rose ? >

A. was the Director of Alfred Rose .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Alfred Rose ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Alfred Rose .

Q. Who wrote the song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) ? >

A. wrote the song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride)

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) ? >

A. was the lyricsts of song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) .

Q. Who is Singer of song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) ? >

A. was the Singer's of song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) ? >

A. was the Music Director of song Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) .

Q. In which raag Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) song was sung? >

A. Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) song was sung? >

A. Bessaum (Parents Blessing The Bride) song was sung in taal .