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bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage batasher falguni gaan bhore tole aanginaa vitaan batasher falguni gaan bhore tole aanginaa vitaan dule uthe madhobir praan ki onuraag e ki onuraag e bonotol phule phule dhakaa kopoter buk e oi koto shukhe kopoti ghumaae leelaa chole bonolota ki shohaag e toru re joraae kopoter buk e oi koto shukhe kopoti ghumaae leelaa chole bonolota ki shohaag e toru re joraae fele ashaa duti kotha kaar bholaa shudhu holona amar fele ashaa duti kotha kaar bholaa shudhu holona amar ekaa thaka aato je bethaarr bujhini aage bujhini aage bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage

bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage batasher falguni gaan bhore tole aanginaa vitaan batasher falguni gaan bhore tole aanginaa vitaan dule uthe madhobir praan ki onuraag e ki onuraag e bonotol phule phule dhakaa kopoter buk e oi koto shukhe kopoti ghumaae leelaa chole bonolota ki shohaag e toru re joraae kopoter buk e oi koto shukhe kopoti ghumaae leelaa chole bonolota ki shohaag e toru re joraae fele ashaa duti kotha kaar bholaa shudhu holona amar fele ashaa duti kotha kaar bholaa shudhu holona amar ekaa thaka aato je bethaarr bujhini aage bujhini aage bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage

Poster of Hemanta+Mukherjee+-+(Bengali+Modern+Songs)

Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka

Hemanta Mukherjee

bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage batasher falguni gaan bhore tole aanginaa vitaan batasher falguni gaan bhore tole aanginaa vitaan dule uthe madhobir praan ki onuraag e ki onuraag e bonotol phule phule dhakaa kopoter buk e oi koto shukhe kopoti ghumaae leelaa chole bonolota ki shohaag e toru re joraae kopoter buk e oi koto shukhe kopoti ghumaae leelaa chole bonolota ki shohaag e toru re joraae fele ashaa duti kotha kaar bholaa shudhu holona amar fele ashaa duti kotha kaar bholaa shudhu holona amar ekaa thaka aato je bethaarr bujhini aage bujhini aage bonotol phule phule dhakaa dur nilimaae uthe chaad bakaa shudhu ei potho cheye thakaa bhalo ki laage

Hemanta Mukherjee

Song Title : Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka
Album/Film : Hemanta Mukherjee
Release Year :
Singer : Hemanta Mukherjee

FAQs for Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka

Q. In which year the Album/Film Hemanta Mukherjee released? >

A. Hemanta Mukherjee was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Hemanta Mukherjee ? >

A. was the Production of Hemanta Mukherjee .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Hemanta Mukherjee ? >

A. was the Producer of in Hemanta Mukherjee .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Hemanta Mukherjee ? >

A. was the Director of Hemanta Mukherjee .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Hemanta Mukherjee ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Hemanta Mukherjee .

Q. Who wrote the song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka ? >

A. wrote the song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka ? >

A. was the lyricsts of song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka .

Q. Who is Singer of song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka ? >

A. Hemanta Mukherjee was the Singer's of song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka ? >

A. was the Music Director of song Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka .

Q. In which raag Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka song was sung? >

A. Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka song was sung? >

A. Bonotol Phule Phule Dhoka song was sung in taal .