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kantorist hea palkacho lok taka vollkotalo palkar kantaram korun lokak khuxeal dhortalo thoddim vorsam zalim pasar auchit obsoeg ghoddlo palkar kantar kortanam avaz tacho bond zalo vhoddlea dotoraxim gelea uprant kuddik tache suntlo xello gham talleacho kenser zala mhunn sanglem dotoran kantar korunk zanvchemnam ulounk passun zanvchem nam devan dilolo avaz anik aikonk meuchonam kenser boro zanv nezo dotoran taka sanglem sangnnem aikonam fuddem hem kalliz tachem roddlem kantaram korun tannem aplem jivit sarlelem talleacho kenser zaun soglem sukh tachem somplem bomboi breach candy mhunnta thoimsor assa eok famad dotor to dotor boro korta ghott bhavart assot tor taka dotoraxim velo tallo tacho dakoilo udok ani tel vaprun kenser tacho pigoulo sant anton ochorieancho hem tea dotorachem nanv breach candyn eke garagein cholta tachem devossanv koslim koslim duensam kurar korta diun bessanv talleak cancer zalolo kantorist bhavani anv duensantlo tuka boro zaunk zai tor sant

kantorist hea palkacho lok taka vollkotalo palkar kantaram korun lokak khuxeal dhortalo thoddim vorsam zalim pasar auchit obsoeg ghoddlo palkar kantar kortanam avaz tacho bond zalo vhoddlea dotoraxim gelea uprant kuddik tache suntlo xello gham talleacho kenser zala mhunn sanglem dotoran kantar korunk zanvchemnam ulounk passun zanvchem nam devan dilolo avaz anik aikonk meuchonam kenser boro zanv nezo dotoran taka sanglem sangnnem aikonam fuddem hem kalliz tachem roddlem kantaram korun tannem aplem jivit sarlelem talleacho kenser zaun soglem sukh tachem somplem bomboi breach candy mhunnta thoimsor assa eok famad dotor to dotor boro korta ghott bhavart assot tor taka dotoraxim velo tallo tacho dakoilo udok ani tel vaprun kenser tacho pigoulo sant anton ochorieancho hem tea dotorachem nanv breach candyn eke garagein cholta tachem devossanv koslim koslim duensam kurar korta diun bessanv talleak cancer zalolo kantorist bhavani anv duensantlo tuka boro zaunk zai tor sant

Poster of Alfred+Rose+-+(Konkani)

Dotorancho Doctor

Alfred Rose

kantorist hea palkacho lok taka vollkotalo palkar kantaram korun lokak khuxeal dhortalo thoddim vorsam zalim pasar auchit obsoeg ghoddlo palkar kantar kortanam avaz tacho bond zalo vhoddlea dotoraxim gelea uprant kuddik tache suntlo xello gham talleacho kenser zala mhunn sanglem dotoran kantar korunk zanvchemnam ulounk passun zanvchem nam devan dilolo avaz anik aikonk meuchonam kenser boro zanv nezo dotoran taka sanglem sangnnem aikonam fuddem hem kalliz tachem roddlem kantaram korun tannem aplem jivit sarlelem talleacho kenser zaun soglem sukh tachem somplem bomboi breach candy mhunnta thoimsor assa eok famad dotor to dotor boro korta ghott bhavart assot tor taka dotoraxim velo tallo tacho dakoilo udok ani tel vaprun kenser tacho pigoulo sant anton ochorieancho hem tea dotorachem nanv breach candyn eke garagein cholta tachem devossanv koslim koslim duensam kurar korta diun bessanv talleak cancer zalolo kantorist bhavani anv duensantlo tuka boro zaunk zai tor sant

Song Title : Dotorancho Doctor
Album/Film : Alfred Rose
Singer :

FAQs for Dotorancho Doctor

Q. In which year the Album/Film Alfred Rose released? >

A. Alfred Rose was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Alfred Rose ? >

A. was the Production of Alfred Rose .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Alfred Rose ? >

A. was the Producer of in Alfred Rose .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Alfred Rose ? >

A. was the Director of Alfred Rose .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Alfred Rose ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Alfred Rose .

Q. Who wrote the song Dotorancho Doctor ? >

A. wrote the song Dotorancho Doctor

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Dotorancho Doctor ? >

A. was the lyricsts of song Dotorancho Doctor .

Q. Who is Singer of song Dotorancho Doctor ? >

A. was the Singer's of song Dotorancho Doctor .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Dotorancho Doctor ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Dotorancho Doctor .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Dotorancho Doctor ? >

A. was the Music Director of song Dotorancho Doctor .

Q. In which raag Dotorancho Doctor song was sung? >

A. Dotorancho Doctor song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Dotorancho Doctor song was sung? >

A. Dotorancho Doctor song was sung in taal .