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hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai moner kamona guli othe monihaar hoye tuli mor moner kamona guli othe monihaar hoye tuli se mala gopone tomay sudhu joraye se mala gopone tomay sudhu joraye sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai hridoy amar surjomukhir moton mukhpane tobo cheye robe cheye robe abiroton hridoy amar surjomukhir moton mukhpane tobo cheye robe cheye robe abiroton bhiru bhalobasa momo jole prodiper sikha somo bhiru bhalobasa momo jole prodiper sikha somo nijer johiya tobo mukho u jalai nijer johiya tobo mukho u jalai sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai

hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai moner kamona guli othe monihaar hoye tuli mor moner kamona guli othe monihaar hoye tuli se mala gopone tomay sudhu joraye se mala gopone tomay sudhu joraye sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai hridoy amar surjomukhir moton mukhpane tobo cheye robe cheye robe abiroton hridoy amar surjomukhir moton mukhpane tobo cheye robe cheye robe abiroton bhiru bhalobasa momo jole prodiper sikha somo bhiru bhalobasa momo jole prodiper sikha somo nijer johiya tobo mukho u jalai nijer johiya tobo mukho u jalai sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai

Poster of Sagarika+(1956)+-+(Bengali+Modern+Songs)

Hriday Amar Sundar

Sagarika (1956)

hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai moner kamona guli othe monihaar hoye tuli mor moner kamona guli othe monihaar hoye tuli se mala gopone tomay sudhu joraye se mala gopone tomay sudhu joraye sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai hridoy amar surjomukhir moton mukhpane tobo cheye robe cheye robe abiroton hridoy amar surjomukhir moton mukhpane tobo cheye robe cheye robe abiroton bhiru bhalobasa momo jole prodiper sikha somo bhiru bhalobasa momo jole prodiper sikha somo nijer johiya tobo mukho u jalai nijer johiya tobo mukho u jalai sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai hridoy amar sundaro tobo pai bokuler moto jhoriya morite chai

Alpana Banerjee

Song Title : Hriday Amar Sundar
Album/Film : Sagarika (1956)
Release Year : 1956
Lyrics : Pronab Roy
Singer : Alpana Banerjee
Music Director : Robin Chatterjee

FAQs for Hriday Amar Sundar

Q. In which year the Album/Film Sagarika (1956) released? >

A. Sagarika (1956) was released in 1956 .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Sagarika (1956) ? >

A. was the Production of Sagarika (1956) .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Sagarika (1956) ? >

A. was the Producer of in Sagarika (1956) .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Sagarika (1956) ? >

A. was the Director of Sagarika (1956) .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Sagarika (1956) ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Sagarika (1956) .

Q. Who wrote the song Hriday Amar Sundar ? >

A. Pronab Roy wrote the song Hriday Amar Sundar

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Hriday Amar Sundar ? >

A. Pronab Roy was the lyricsts of song Hriday Amar Sundar .

Q. Who is Singer of song Hriday Amar Sundar ? >

A. Alpana Banerjee was the Singer's of song Hriday Amar Sundar .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Hriday Amar Sundar ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Hriday Amar Sundar .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Hriday Amar Sundar ? >

A. Robin Chatterjee was the Music Director of song Hriday Amar Sundar .

Q. In which raag Hriday Amar Sundar song was sung? >

A. Hriday Amar Sundar song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Hriday Amar Sundar song was sung? >

A. Hriday Amar Sundar song was sung in taal .