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kato gaan haralam tomar majhe ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe tumi nei sur nei atithi akash fuleder mone nei olir bilas tumi nei sur nei atithi akash fuleder mone nei olir bilas tobu keno sediner dokhin batas dhara diye jay ajo sakol kaje ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe jakho jibane mor chaite bhara bela ase takhon keno go balo basonto fule fule hase jakho jibane mor chaite bhara bela ase takhon keno go balo basonto fule fule hase ei raat ei gaan sapno maya keno aar dake michhe sei aleya keno aaj bone bone piyalo chhaya bholaye mon ke notun saje ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe

kato gaan haralam tomar majhe ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe tumi nei sur nei atithi akash fuleder mone nei olir bilas tumi nei sur nei atithi akash fuleder mone nei olir bilas tobu keno sediner dokhin batas dhara diye jay ajo sakol kaje ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe jakho jibane mor chaite bhara bela ase takhon keno go balo basonto fule fule hase jakho jibane mor chaite bhara bela ase takhon keno go balo basonto fule fule hase ei raat ei gaan sapno maya keno aar dake michhe sei aleya keno aaj bone bone piyalo chhaya bholaye mon ke notun saje ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe

Poster of Geeta+Dutt+-+(Bengali+Modern+Songs)

Kato Gaan Haralam

Geeta Dutt

kato gaan haralam tomar majhe ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe tumi nei sur nei atithi akash fuleder mone nei olir bilas tumi nei sur nei atithi akash fuleder mone nei olir bilas tobu keno sediner dokhin batas dhara diye jay ajo sakol kaje ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe jakho jibane mor chaite bhara bela ase takhon keno go balo basonto fule fule hase jakho jibane mor chaite bhara bela ase takhon keno go balo basonto fule fule hase ei raat ei gaan sapno maya keno aar dake michhe sei aleya keno aaj bone bone piyalo chhaya bholaye mon ke notun saje ajke keno go balo sei gaan dola day sakal sajhe kato gaan haralam tomar majhe

Geeta Dutt

Song Title : Kato Gaan Haralam
Album/Film : Geeta Dutt
Lyrics : Probodh Ghosh
Singer : Geeta Dutt

FAQs for Kato Gaan Haralam

Q. In which year the Album/Film Geeta Dutt released? >

A. Geeta Dutt was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Geeta Dutt ? >

A. was the Production of Geeta Dutt .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Geeta Dutt ? >

A. was the Producer of in Geeta Dutt .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Geeta Dutt ? >

A. was the Director of Geeta Dutt .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Geeta Dutt ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Geeta Dutt .

Q. Who wrote the song Kato Gaan Haralam ? >

A. Probodh Ghosh wrote the song Kato Gaan Haralam

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Kato Gaan Haralam ? >

A. Probodh Ghosh was the lyricsts of song Kato Gaan Haralam .

Q. Who is Singer of song Kato Gaan Haralam ? >

A. Geeta Dutt was the Singer's of song Kato Gaan Haralam .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Kato Gaan Haralam ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Kato Gaan Haralam .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Kato Gaan Haralam ? >

A. was the Music Director of song Kato Gaan Haralam .

Q. In which raag Kato Gaan Haralam song was sung? >

A. Kato Gaan Haralam song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Kato Gaan Haralam song was sung? >

A. Kato Gaan Haralam song was sung in taal .