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mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay ki jaani kar swapne amar ontore ke daaklo abar porbe cholar chinho je tar amari pashe ki jaani kar swapne amar ontore ke daaklo abar porbe cholar chinho je tar amari pashe roibe ghase ghase je jon valobashe emni kore ashe praner melay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay aha re oi megher bahaar udhao paakhi mon amar aha re oi megher bahaar udhao paakhi mon amar ke ojana ke ochena aaj kichutei jay na chena hoy to emon bhor hobe na sedin akaashe ke ojana ke ochena aaj kichutei jay na chena hoy to emon bhor hobe na sedin akaashe phul jodi na haase gondho taari vaashe jhor hoye bataashe shobi dolay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay

mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay ki jaani kar swapne amar ontore ke daaklo abar porbe cholar chinho je tar amari pashe ki jaani kar swapne amar ontore ke daaklo abar porbe cholar chinho je tar amari pashe roibe ghase ghase je jon valobashe emni kore ashe praner melay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay aha re oi megher bahaar udhao paakhi mon amar aha re oi megher bahaar udhao paakhi mon amar ke ojana ke ochena aaj kichutei jay na chena hoy to emon bhor hobe na sedin akaashe ke ojana ke ochena aaj kichutei jay na chena hoy to emon bhor hobe na sedin akaashe phul jodi na haase gondho taari vaashe jhor hoye bataashe shobi dolay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay

Poster of Picnic+(1972)+-+(Bengali+Modern+Songs)

Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri

Picnic (1972)

mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay ki jaani kar swapne amar ontore ke daaklo abar porbe cholar chinho je tar amari pashe ki jaani kar swapne amar ontore ke daaklo abar porbe cholar chinho je tar amari pashe roibe ghase ghase je jon valobashe emni kore ashe praner melay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay aha re oi megher bahaar udhao paakhi mon amar aha re oi megher bahaar udhao paakhi mon amar ke ojana ke ochena aaj kichutei jay na chena hoy to emon bhor hobe na sedin akaashe ke ojana ke ochena aaj kichutei jay na chena hoy to emon bhor hobe na sedin akaashe phul jodi na haase gondho taari vaashe jhor hoye bataashe shobi dolay mon meteche mon moyurir ki khelay naam na jaana phul fotanor ei belay

Asha Bhosle

Song Title : Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri
Album/Film : Picnic (1972)
Release Year : 1972
Lyrics : Sudhin Dasgupta
Singer : Asha Bhosle
Music Director : Sudhin Dasgupta

FAQs for Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri

Q. In which year the Album/Film Picnic (1972) released? >

A. Picnic (1972) was released in 1972 .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Picnic (1972) ? >

A. was the Production of Picnic (1972) .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Picnic (1972) ? >

A. was the Producer of in Picnic (1972) .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Picnic (1972) ? >

A. was the Director of Picnic (1972) .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Picnic (1972) ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Picnic (1972) .

Q. Who wrote the song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri ? >

A. Sudhin Dasgupta wrote the song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri ? >

A. Sudhin Dasgupta was the lyricsts of song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri .

Q. Who is Singer of song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri ? >

A. Asha Bhosle was the Singer's of song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri ? >

A. Sudhin Dasgupta was the Music Director of song Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri .

Q. In which raag Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri song was sung? >

A. Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri song was sung? >

A. Mon Metechhe Mon Moyuri song was sung in taal .