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number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door ho bambooche ghar bambooche daar bamboochi jamin pivalishar bambooche ghar bambooche daar bamboochi jamin pivalishar bamboochya vanaat varyachya soor jivala neto ho bhulvuni door house of bamboo bambuchya vanaat jharyachya kathi yeshil sajane majhaych paathi bambuchya vanaat jharyachya kathi yeshil sajane majhyach paathi ho ho ho ho ho ho hoho ho bambuchya gharat swapnancha jhula jhulvit rahil tula ni mala house of bamboo number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door bambooche ghar pahayala have bamboochya gharat rahayla have bambooche ghar pahayala have bamboochya gharat rahayla have ho ho ho ho ho ho ho rupacha ujed dolyancha diva bamboochya gharat ho tevayla hava house of bamboo number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the

number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door ho bambooche ghar bambooche daar bamboochi jamin pivalishar bambooche ghar bambooche daar bamboochi jamin pivalishar bamboochya vanaat varyachya soor jivala neto ho bhulvuni door house of bamboo bambuchya vanaat jharyachya kathi yeshil sajane majhaych paathi bambuchya vanaat jharyachya kathi yeshil sajane majhyach paathi ho ho ho ho ho ho hoho ho bambuchya gharat swapnancha jhula jhulvit rahil tula ni mala house of bamboo number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door bambooche ghar pahayala have bamboochya gharat rahayla have bambooche ghar pahayala have bamboochya gharat rahayla have ho ho ho ho ho ho ho rupacha ujed dolyancha diva bamboochya gharat ho tevayla hava house of bamboo number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the

Poster of Gharkul+(1970)+-+(Marathi)

Number Fifty Four

Gharkul (1970)

number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door ho bambooche ghar bambooche daar bamboochi jamin pivalishar bambooche ghar bambooche daar bamboochi jamin pivalishar bamboochya vanaat varyachya soor jivala neto ho bhulvuni door house of bamboo bambuchya vanaat jharyachya kathi yeshil sajane majhaych paathi bambuchya vanaat jharyachya kathi yeshil sajane majhyach paathi ho ho ho ho ho ho hoho ho bambuchya gharat swapnancha jhula jhulvit rahil tula ni mala house of bamboo number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door bambooche ghar pahayala have bamboochya gharat rahayla have bambooche ghar pahayala have bamboochya gharat rahayla have ho ho ho ho ho ho ho rupacha ujed dolyancha diva bamboochya gharat ho tevayla hava house of bamboo number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the bamboo door number fifty four the house with the

Pramila Datar,Manna Dey

Song Title : Number Fifty Four
Album/Film : Gharkul (1970)
Release Year : 1970
Lyrics : Shanta Shelke
Singer : Pramila Datar,Manna Dey
Music Director : C Ramchandra

FAQs for Number Fifty Four

Q. In which year the Album/Film Gharkul (1970) released? >

A. Gharkul (1970) was released in 1970 .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Gharkul (1970) ? >

A. was the Production of Gharkul (1970) .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Gharkul (1970) ? >

A. was the Producer of in Gharkul (1970) .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Gharkul (1970) ? >

A. was the Director of Gharkul (1970) .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Gharkul (1970) ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Gharkul (1970) .

Q. Who wrote the song Number Fifty Four ? >

A. Shanta Shelke wrote the song Number Fifty Four

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Number Fifty Four ? >

A. Shanta Shelke was the lyricsts of song Number Fifty Four .

Q. Who is Singer of song Number Fifty Four ? >

A. Pramila Datar,Manna Dey was the Singer's of song Number Fifty Four .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Number Fifty Four ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Number Fifty Four .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Number Fifty Four ? >

A. C Ramchandra was the Music Director of song Number Fifty Four .

Q. In which raag Number Fifty Four song was sung? >

A. Number Fifty Four song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Number Fifty Four song was sung? >

A. Number Fifty Four song was sung in taal .