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hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm nanv tujeam bhitor rigoilam calzan khantun utram tujim dovorleam monan guntun churchure mhoje kelenant tuvem matpun atam choddfodtai kiteak tum rodta mojem chintun fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka mhaka kelam tem puro re dusreak ghat korinaka mhojea passot uskenaka devan bogxilam mhaka sorgar rajean hanv assat re fokot rautam tuka khursak utor dilelem vatti pettounrozar ami kelelem upkar attoun mudi tuvem ghatleli sobit nettoun sandun tum geloi cazarui zaloi maka fottoun fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka mhaka kelam tem puro re dusreak ghat korinaka mhojea passot uskenaka devan bogxilam mhaka sorgar rajeant hanv assa re fokot rautam tuka chintunk naslelem havem boltench godlem dukhounk hea kalzak mhojea koxem laglem sanddum nakai mhunn mhaka hatt zodun maglem lagon tea mogak fuddo kelo sorgak sodun sogllem fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka maka

hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm nanv tujeam bhitor rigoilam calzan khantun utram tujim dovorleam monan guntun churchure mhoje kelenant tuvem matpun atam choddfodtai kiteak tum rodta mojem chintun fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka mhaka kelam tem puro re dusreak ghat korinaka mhojea passot uskenaka devan bogxilam mhaka sorgar rajean hanv assat re fokot rautam tuka khursak utor dilelem vatti pettounrozar ami kelelem upkar attoun mudi tuvem ghatleli sobit nettoun sandun tum geloi cazarui zaloi maka fottoun fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka mhaka kelam tem puro re dusreak ghat korinaka mhojea passot uskenaka devan bogxilam mhaka sorgar rajeant hanv assa re fokot rautam tuka chintunk naslelem havem boltench godlem dukhounk hea kalzak mhojea koxem laglem sanddum nakai mhunn mhaka hatt zodun maglem lagon tea mogak fuddo kelo sorgak sodun sogllem fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka maka

Poster of Lorna+-+(Konkani)

Sorgar Rajeant


hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm hmm hmm hmmmmmm nanv tujeam bhitor rigoilam calzan khantun utram tujim dovorleam monan guntun churchure mhoje kelenant tuvem matpun atam choddfodtai kiteak tum rodta mojem chintun fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka mhaka kelam tem puro re dusreak ghat korinaka mhojea passot uskenaka devan bogxilam mhaka sorgar rajean hanv assat re fokot rautam tuka khursak utor dilelem vatti pettounrozar ami kelelem upkar attoun mudi tuvem ghatleli sobit nettoun sandun tum geloi cazarui zaloi maka fottoun fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka mhaka kelam tem puro re dusreak ghat korinaka mhojea passot uskenaka devan bogxilam mhaka sorgar rajeant hanv assa re fokot rautam tuka chintunk naslelem havem boltench godlem dukhounk hea kalzak mhojea koxem laglem sanddum nakai mhunn mhaka hatt zodun maglem lagon tea mogak fuddo kelo sorgak sodun sogllem fugar tum zainaka bestoch rodonaka maka

Song Title : Sorgar Rajeant
Album/Film : Lorna
Singer :

FAQs for Sorgar Rajeant

Q. In which year the Album/Film Lorna released? >

A. Lorna was released in .

Q. Which is Production of Album/Film Lorna ? >

A. was the Production of Lorna .

Q. Who is Producer of Album/Film Lorna ? >

A. was the Producer of in Lorna .

Q. Who is Director of Album/Film Lorna ? >

A. was the Director of Lorna .

Q. Who was Film Actors of Album/Film Lorna ? >

A. was the Film Actors of Lorna .

Q. Who wrote the song Sorgar Rajeant ? >

A. wrote the song Sorgar Rajeant

Q. Who was the lyricsts of song Sorgar Rajeant ? >

A. was the lyricsts of song Sorgar Rajeant .

Q. Who is Singer of song Sorgar Rajeant ? >

A. was the Singer's of song Sorgar Rajeant .

Q. Who is OnScreen Actors of song Sorgar Rajeant ? >

A. was the OnScreen Actors of song Sorgar Rajeant .

Q. Who is Music Director of song Sorgar Rajeant ? >

A. was the Music Director of song Sorgar Rajeant .

Q. In which raag Sorgar Rajeant song was sung? >

A. Sorgar Rajeant song was sung in raag .

Q. In which taal Sorgar Rajeant song was sung? >

A. Sorgar Rajeant song was sung in taal .